511 Jobs | 28 Resumes | 143 Companies

A new era for job searching!


Working has an outcome and that outcome is money. Money is one of the purposes why people are caught up in businesses. But money is not the only thing that keep people motivated. What keeps people motivated is a need to accomplish something, a need for self-implementation. What also matters is the economy and a smart usage of the utilities. Why spend more money when the same wish or need can be satisfied by way less money!?


In Estonia today there are few big and lots of smaller versions of job searching websites which are used frequently since the level of unemployment is still quite high.
Finding an employee is not at all cheap for entrepreneurs. Prices for adding a job ad on those sites are quite high for the businesses and smaller businesses with lower budgets can’t always afford to do that.
The opportunities to find a job come hand-in-hand with the job searchers’ CV and the first impression the website can offer your future employer. About 30 job seekers apply for one job on bigger job searching websites. To find the best person with the best qualities and education for the job from all those 30 similar CV’s is quite difficult for an employer.



Curriculum Vitae aka CV, thanks to their format-requirements, do not offer big possibilities for self-advertisement

As an extra to your CV, it is possible to write a motivation letter to bring out your best qualities. But how many job seekers do that?
Creating a CV on SinuCV job searching portal gives you an opportunity to be a designer and an advertiser of your abilities! Add all your biggest skills and brightest talents there! Your potential future employers will definitely be positively surprised to see a CV that is not as boring and blank as usual.


SinuCV helps a job seeker to create the kind of self-description where every person can promote their strongest qualities

This is something that standard CVs are lacking of.
Writing a motivation letter is not at all easy for everyone and it takes quite an amount of time. Your precious time. We help you spend less time creating a first impression, and the employer better comprehend the information you have given.
There are businesses where employers come and go a lot which means that the business needs to search for employees actively throughout a year. But uploading and/or keeping a job ad on job searching websites is expensive. Unreasonably expensive. A middle-sized business spends around two months’ worth of minimum wages throughout a year to find employees.
SinuCV believes that the whole job searching process needs to be modernized.
SinuCV believes that all this money spent for finding employees should be used to raise employees’ salaries or invest more in the business itself, to modernize working- and safety-equipment and/or give the employees more trainings which would also be good for the business itself.



SinuCV has created a model which has the potentiality to help businesses save money and create a better CV for the job seekers

Businesses signed up on SinuCV can use the portal completely free for a year. We keep your job ad uploaded on our site free for a year. It is one extra place for potential employees to find you. For a year, it won’t take a penny from you but it might help you find the perfect person for the job you are offering!
SinuCV is doing active marketing bringing more and more job seekers and businesses to try out our innovative job searching portal. So, if we bring you the perfect employee for free then why spend lots of money on other expensive websites? Why spend so much money to find employees when SinuCV is a free solution now and one of the cheapest in the future?
We give the opportunity to bring out your CV, as a job seeker, from others. Right now it is the melody of the future, though, because we need Your help to make this innovation truly work. Sign up as an enterprise or a job seeker and we will save your valuable time and money. You will convince yourself on how easy and comfortable it is to use SinuCV.
Advertize yourself for free on our new and innovative website SinuCV!

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