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First impression is number one for finding a job

Contrary to presumptions, your future boss gets a first impression of You way before you walk in his cabinet for an interview. How to benefit from it? Well, it is not quite that difficult.

Leave nothing to a chance

Of course, everything starts with a CV which is the first image your future employer gets of you. Applying for a job with a CV that has a correct format, is visually nice and grammatically correct, gives you bonus points you wouldn’t think you could get. Quite obviously, a CV that is badly put together and full of clerical errors gets tossed away.
An employer can see already from afar a CV that hasn’t been renewed in a while. It is the same with a CV full of nonsense. Thought, in general, there is nothing bad in presenting all your experiences, it is still important to adjust your CV according to the job you are applying for. Showing off your whole package of experience might seem like a good idea but your future employer might get a feeling you are sending that CV to everyone no matter what the job is. And this might undermine your chances of getting the job.
Long-term, experienced, recruiters recognize a good CV in a second. That is why it is important to take time and put effort in your CV. To personalize your CV you should only add the last few jobs you had and then add the jobs that are relevant to the job you are applying for.

Internet is both your friend and an enemy

Nowadays it is more likely to be “stalked” on the internet than getting a phone call right after applying for a job. The information your future employer finds may either increase or decrease your chance of getting the job. Careercast brings out some bullet-points for you to follow so you wouldn’t destroy your chances of getting a job thanks to social media.
For example, criticizing your job, employer or colleagues never does anything good. If your potential future employer sees your negative attitude against your previous job he might seriously rethink about hiring you. Because which employer wants to risk with the same possibility…
Another thing that might make the employer rethink are your posts on social media or your blog about searching for a job. Of course, sharing with your friends and acquaintances that you are looking for a job might help you find that new job. But. It is necessary to know that to ponder about pros and cons on social media, for example, might lead to canceling the job offer.
You should also pay attention to your everyday writing. Even if your CV has no clerical errors and your grammar is perfect, your future employer might start to rethink. Who knows, maybe you hired an editor and you yourself can’t really write at all.

Think before you publish

Everything really starts with what you post on social media in the first place. Writing discriminative and offensive comments, for example, might bring more that just a frown from your friends. Even if the post or the comment is meant as a joke. Your future employer doesn’t know that and probably won’t want to hire a person who could also subvert the reputation of the firm.
Albeit the fact that your potential future employer might have a look at your social media doesn’t mean that you need to create yourself a fake identity. It is just necessary to be aware of what is okay to post on your social media pages and what is better to keep private. Even though your last vacation under the palm trees might have been amazing, pictures of a drunk you should only be public for your friends. To defend your privacy (or keep unnecessary information away from your employers’ eyes) is not hard. Just change your social media settings so all (or none) of your social media posts would be public for nobody except for your friends.

Benefit from the web

It is possible to use the internet for objective job searching. Owning an account on the LinkedIn website is a logical step for many to keep up with the labour market. Lots of new job ads get added on SinuCV.ee portal as well. There are lots of specialized websites and forums too which are good for keeping an eye on the labour market and where you can ask job-relevant questions from more specialized people.

Only after the potential future employer have seen and worked through your CV (and social media) is he ready to call you for an interview to see what you are like in person. Until that moment, think about what you found out from this article, what you could do to make your dream job come true.


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