511 Tööpakkumist | 31 Tööotsijat | 136 Ettevõtet


aTalent Recruiting Tallinn

As an Account Manager, you will be part of our small sales team, responsible for the sales and growth of our business. With persistence, sales oriented mindset and strong motivation to learn, you will reach good long-term results and create lasting relationships with our customers. You also get the chance to participate in marketing efforts and implement various development ideas and projects. aTalent team will support you strongly and give you instructions on the job, recruitment business and sales strategies.

Key responsibilities in this role: Finding and contacting B2B customers by phone, consulting businesses in the sales meetings, putting together recruitment solutions together with the Sales Team Leader and Recruitment Manager to ensure the best results, closing the deals.

ID #3931 Asukoht Tallinn Valdkond Müük Töö tüüp Täiskohaga Positsioon Ärikliendihaldur Karjääri tase Keskmine Kohalolek Liikuv töö Kuulutus aegub: 23/08/2018

Nõutud oskused

Need oskused on selleks tööks vajalikud.

Suhtlemine Organiseeritus Pühendumine
2 Keelt
Eesti keel
Inglise keel

Need oskused ja omadused on boonuseks

Mis tuleks sellel töökohal veel kasuks.

Strong interest in learning more about sales and businessgood communication and presentation skills in Estonian and Englishdemonstrated ability to work proactivelyindependently and in a self-organized waycourage to face challenges and be out of comfort zone
2 aastat Kogemust

Ettevõtte info

Lühiülevaade ettevõttest

aTalent Recruiting

Parimad tööpakkumised noortele talentidele!

Asutatud 2016 4 Inimest 1 Tööpakkumine


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