510 Jobs | 28 Resumes | 142 Companies


How to create an account?

Creating an account on SinuCV is very easy – “Register” button is on the right of every page. Clicking on it takes you to a page where you can create an account whether by inserting required information or syncing it with an already existing social media account like Facebook, Twitter, Google or LinkedIn. Just pick the one most suitable for you and accept the terms.

How to create a new resume?

To add a new CV you must first log in and then click on the “Add new” button on the right. The button will give you three options of which you must choose the right one which, in this case, is “Resume”. This choice won’t appear if you have already created a resume for yourself. In this case you can change it on your profile page.
To create a profile, you need to fill in the gaps with required information displayed on the page starting with your fundamental information and a brief description. We recommend you to add a profile picture as well as a cover image to make your profile more personal and eye-catching.
In the “Skills” section you can mark down your specific skills and qualifications. For example, a web designer can add “Creating a logo” and grade it on a scale from 0-100% depending on how experienced the person thinks he is.
In the “Testimonials” section you can mark down what your previous boss(es) or colleague(s) have said about you or your work. In the “Salary & Job Types” section you need to mark down your minimal desired salary and a type of job you would like to get.
“Portfolio” is a good place for presenting the projects you have done. For example, a constructor or an artist can add pictures of finished projects or paintings.
In the very end it is necessary to fill in your contact details, otherwise no one can contact you.

How to add a job offer?

To add a new job offer you must first log in and then click on the “Add new” button on the right. The button will give you three options of which you must choose the right one which, in this case, is “Job”. Previously added job offers can be changed on your profile page.
To add a job offer you must fill in the gaps with required information starting with a fundamental information and a brief description. We recommend you to add a cover image to help you differentiate from other offers and be more eye-catching.
In the “Required skills” section you can mark down the specific skills required for the job. For example, when looking for a web designer you can add “Creating a logo” and grade the requirement on a scale from 0-100% depending on how experienced the employee should be.
In the “Salary” section you need to mark down the minimum salary for the job as well as the type of job you are offering.
You can also mark down all the perks provided to employees in addition to their normal wages or salaries.
In the very end it is necessary to fill in your contact details, otherwise no one can contact you.

How to add a company?

To add a new company you must first log in and then click on the “Add new” button on the right. The button will give you three options of which you must choose the right one which, in this case, is “Company”. Previously added companies can be changed on your profile page.
To create a profile, you need to fill in the gaps with required information displayed on the page starting with fundamental information and a brief description. We recommend you to add a company’s logo as well as a cover image to help you differentiate from other companies and be more eye-catching.
In the “Service” section you can mark down the company’s field of operation all the services the company offers. This helps your company with finding new employees and potential clients who might run across your company’s page.
You can also add your best-known and biggest clients and mark down their opinions and feedbacks about your company and services.
In the very end it is necessary to fill in your contact details, otherwise no one can contact you.

How to find job offers?

Job offers can be found with a quick search tool on the main page using only a keyword, category and/or location. For more specific search you can use filtered search on the “Job” page on which you can specify the job’s category, required career level and experience, the location and required presence on the job. It is also possible to search for a job with a only a keyword. If no offers are found you can always start over by clicking on the “Reset filters” button.

How to find job seekers?

Job seekers can be found with a quick search tool on the main page using only a keyword, expected job type and/or location. For more specific search you can use filtered search on the “Resumes” page on which you can specify the required career level and experience, the location and expected salary. It is also possible to search for a job seeker with a only a keyword. If no results are found you can always start over by clicking on the “Reset filters” button.

How to find companies?

Companies can be found with a quick search tool on the main page using only a keyword, category and/or location. For more specific search you can use filtered search on the “Companies” page on which you can specify the field of operation, team size and location or simply find a company by whether they have any job offers or not. If no results are found you can always start over by clicking on the “Reset filters” button.

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